Give today to restore the Poudre image

Give today to restore the Poudre

Your donations helps us collaborate, plan, and implement the highest priority restoration needs in the Poudre Watershed

$6,975 raised

$5,000 goal

/ 150


CPRW came together initially to help address the critical restoration needs created by the High Park Fire. We sought to protect drinking water supplies, rivers, and communities from post fire flooding and erosion. Since that time, we have expanded our work to address watershed resiliency to catastrophic wildfires and other river restoration needs throughout the watershed. To date, we have succeeded in:

  • implementing over 300 acres of post fire hillslope restoration
  • restoring over 1.5 miles of river damaged by post fire erosion and flooding
  • created a resiliency plan for the Upper Poudre Watershed
  • have implemented post fire restoration to protect Milton Seaman Reservoir
  • helped reduce wildfire hazard on 200 acres of forest
  • are working towards creating a Flood Recovery & Resiliency Plan for the Lower Poudre
  • being a two-time winner of the Larimer County Environmental Stewardship Award

We are dedicated to collaborating to help keep the Poudre healthy & resilient.